Love is all there is , nothing else matters
If you don't have Love in your life then you are not living, the purpose of Life is to Love and be Loved, in the end that's how we will all be measured
We are generators of Love and we must ask ourselves daily, just how much Love we help produce each and every day. The best gift we can give to the world is pure unconditional love
Love of sharing, giving, compassion, kindness....teaching others that love is pure and can only be found in the simplest of forms.......sparkling eyes, an honest smile, a friendly hand on your shoulder, a warm hand shake, a much needed hug, a few words of praise or encouragement
Love is an energy that cannot be bought or sold.... nor can it be measured by human means.
It's power cannot be understood by even the highest IQ
Love is more powerful than the mightiest tropical storms, yet at the same time as gentle as a warm summer breeze
Love is faster than the speed of light yet once your touched by it...time stands still
Love begins deep inside. You must first produce it in your soul and then give of it freely. As your soul fills with Love, it soon flows outwards, producing an opening that allows for Love to flow back inside and penetrate your being, thus transforming the way you view the world
Small things suddenly begin to hold great importance and life takes on new meaning. You realize that everything you traded your life for, has little or no value, most of what you spend your time accumulating is dead or has never lived...thus void of love
It's life's single moments all strung together, that produce a worth while necklace of life....each bead a moment in time, as important as a single heart beat
So stop for a moment and just Imagine, how many minutes of your life have you traded away, for an object that you felt you just had to have
Yet you don't realize, that as you gaze upon the object of your desire you send loving thoughts that surround and penetrate it and flow back to you and this is what you are buying.....your own Loving feelings and that of others who have admired that same object
What is your value, what is a moment of your life worth to you, how can you be sure how many moments you have left
If you had three months to live then what would be the value of a moment of your life