Saturday, September 27, 2008

This feeling is

So much more


Something much more than 2 bodies
It is a bonding of souls
A deep desire , deep within

A power that can shake your foundation
A connection that has and knows no bounds
To feel the other even when distance separates,
To feel their pain , their joy, and sorrow

To survive I need to want the person I am with
You have something that I can't live without
I feel nobody else could replace you

When I hold you in my arms that will be heaven to me

Come to me my love and let me feel
Your wet tongue touching mine
And our mouths and lips together at last
Your sweet lips pressed aganist mine
And me holding you close
I know we will be what makes lovers love

You and I looking and touching
Just like for the first time
Over and over again
And wanting to feel the love
We have shared from long distance for so long
Can only take us to levels we never experienced before

Its only love
That i feel inside
But I have to be strong
And hold my heart inside
Until I can express it in my kiss
That will bring you happiness